Content marketing

Content marketing is the process of creating valuable and relevant content to gain and attract an audience. Since content marketing is a relatively new marketing strategy, in Bosnia and Herzegovina there are several translations of this term content marketing, content marketing, content marketing or content marketing. In practice, it is still common to use the English name, ie. content marketing.

This process involves storytelling and sharing information to increase brand awareness. Finally, the goal is to get the reader to take action to become a customer, such as seeking additional information, signing up for an email list, or making a purchase. “Content” can mean blog posts, resources like books and e-books, digital videos, podcasts, and more.

In general, it should first and foremost provide value to the consumer, not just advertise the brand or try to make a sale. Content marketing is about building a sustainable, confidential relationship with your customers that can potentially lead to many sales over time, not just one transaction.

Content marketing works in symbiosis with other types of digital marketing: It is a way to incorporate SEO search terms into fresh website content, and the content created can be shared as a post on social media as well as in marketing publications via email.

Looking at analytics for your content marketing can say a lot about your customers:

  • What are they looking for on your site?
  • What types of content influence you to stay on the website longer and continue browsing?
  • What makes them lose interest and move on?

Unlike methods such as PPC (PAY PER CLICK), content marketing is a long-term strategy. Over time, marketers build a content library (text, video, podcasts, etc.) This content library also helps promote knowledge about your brand and increases your profile as a resource for information. If users visit your site for information, they will remember you as the right choice when it comes time to buy.

A great way for people who enjoy writing and / or video and audio production is content marketing. But as with digital marketing in general, it also requires strong strategic and analytical skills.

Your customers, prospects and audiences want valuable content from your business. And that content should reach the members of the audience in a natural and organic way and not by disturbing.

Content marketing helps companies do this and describes the process of attracting, engaging and delighting target markets. Effective content marketing can do just that and as a result increase conversions, improve brand awareness, increase revenue, establish yourself as an industry leader and more.

Why is content marketing important?

Content can raise brand awareness, sales, reach, interaction and loyalty.

  • Educate your potential customers about the products and services you offer.
  • Increase conversions
  • Build relationships between your customers and business that result in increased loyalty
  • show the audience how your products and services solve challenges
  • Create a sense of community around your brand

The goal of content marketing is NOT to directly advertise a product or service, but to attract the attention of users who fit into the target audience and to build brand authority in the area in which it operates. Therefore, content marketing only indirectly affects sales results.

Quality Content is impossible to work without a quality program. It is software for planning and researching relevant content (Content curation) such as Buzzsumo or Scooplt. Then the content should be visually improved if we are talking about video content, accompanying images and infographics.

Finally, the publication of content and its promotion among the target audience is a separate topic.

More texts on Digital Marketing, Social Networks and Web Design can be found here.

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